Reports & Papers
Section | Report |
Title | Carbon Market Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Assessing Challenges and Overcoming Barriers |
Author | Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) |
Date | Jun 01, 2018 |
Carbon Market Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Assessing Challenges and Overcoming Barriers REPORT / June, 2018 Source: Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI)
** See attached for the report
This report is in line with ASPI’s initiative, “Toward a Northeast Asia Carbon Market” which is an effort to develop and assess pathways to link carbon markets in Northeast Asia consisting of China Japan and the Republic of Korea. In order to extend and deepen the evidence base for the carbon market linkage, the report analyses challenges and opportunities of carbon linkage in Northeast Asia, outlines specific pathways toward regional carbon market links and provides legal views on carbon market cooperation. Moreover, the report approaches the issue of carbon market linkage from the perspectives of respective Northeast Asian countries, as well as the view of the business sector, and examines the ways/roles for the countries and the business community to contribute to regional carbon market cooperation. This volume is edited by the ASPI and Duke Universitys Jackson Ewing, and written by several carbon market thought leaders across Northeast Asia and globally, including our CSDLAP director, Suh-Yong Chung, to explore the policy challenges, socioeconomic opportunities and ways to overcome difficulties in Northeast Asian carbon market cooperation. |